Телевизионный портал Финно-угорского культурного центра Российской Федерации
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The Komi. Heirs of ancient traditions

Documentary ethnographic film "The Komi. Heirs of ancient traditions" was created by the branch of the Polenov Russian State Folk Art House "Finno-Ugric Cultural Center of the Russian Federation".
Film shooting took place in Syktyvdin, Sysolskiy, Ust-Kulom, Kortkeros, Udora, Troitsko-Pechorsk, Inta, Vorkuta districts of the Republic of Komi. The film presents a wide panorama of the region's ethno-cultural and tourism potential: the viewer will not only enjoy the beautiful views of different parts of the republic, but will also take an interactive part in major cultural events.
The heroes of the film are masters, scientists, public and cultural figures and ordinary inhabitants of different villages. In the frame - young representatives of the Komi people and adult generation.
The film shows how traditional crafts of the Komi people are preserved and developed in our days, how, despite the globalization processes, the informatization of society and the growth of cities, people are drawn to nature, native sources.
The expert of the film is candidate of historical sciences, senior research scientist of the Institute of Language and Literature, Komi Scientific Center, UB RAS Irina Iljina. The researcher is not the first time participates in the information and publishing projects of the Center as a consultant and author of articles.
The film was created within the implementation of the Federal target program "Culture of Russia (2012-2018)" with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Polenov Russian State Folk Art House.
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167000, Республика Коми, г.Сыктывкар, ул. Ленина, д. 73,
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